GNAHRGIS: Georgia's Natural, Archeological, and Historic Resources GIS
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WELCOME TO GNAHRGIS: Georgia's Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources GIS

GNAHRGIS is an interactive Web-based registry and geographical information system designed to catalog information about the natural, archaeological, and historic resources of Georgia.

In the GNAHRGIS system, archaeological resources refer to archaeological sites recorded in the Georgia Archaeological Site File at the University of Georgia. For more information, click GNAHRGIS Archaeological Introduction.

Historic resources encompass buildings, structures, historic sites, landscapes, and districts included in the Historic Preservation Division's Historic Resources Survey or listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Historic resource information has been compiled by Georgia's State Historic Preservation Office in the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Community Affairs, in collaboration with the University of Georgia.

Every time you enter GNAHRGIS, you must acknowledge that you have read and understand a disclaimer regarding the use and limitations of GNAHRGIS. To review this disclaimer, click here.

Each GNAHRGIS module is administered by different agencies. Please see contact information below for each module.

For questions about existing archeological module user accounts or to request a new account, contact the GNAHRGIS archaeological module administrators at

For questions about existing historic resource module user accounts or to request a new account, contact the GNAHRGIS historic resource module administrators at Note: it is not necessarcy to have a login if only viewing publically accessible historic resource information.

Note: The GNAHRGIS ecology module is not located at this site. For questions about existing ecology module user accounts or to request a new account, go to the ecology module site at GNAHRGIS Ecology and follow directions on that site for who to contact.

GNAHRGIS is made possible through cooperation from the following organizations:

Georgia Department of Community Affairs        Georgia Department of Natural Resources         Georgia Department of Transportation         The University of Georgia